Futurelab Resources

Futurelab resources                                   Computer games and learning handbook Aimed at teachers and those interested in using games with an educational intent, this handbook aims to provide some useful anchoring points for educators to make sense of the […]

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Futurelab: Newsletter 81, July 2011


Projects and Futurelab news


Futurelab E-News 28.04.2011

 Some items from Futurelab's April E-News. FUTURELAB http://www.futurelab.org.uk/   Event Eye Futurelab has developed an exciting new

Futurelab News Items March 2011

HP Catalyst Summit Delhi The first ever HP Catalyst Summit in Delhi brought together over 100 global education leaders

Futurelab Newsletter Items 25.02.2011

About Explore Explorer toolkits are sets of activities that support teachers and learners in exploring co-development projects. The toolkits are flexible

Futurelab Changes

All change at Futurelab The new year marks a significant milestone in Futurelab’s journey. After nine years based in Bristol, the offices have

Futurelab workshops

Infocow workshop Bristol, 26 October We are looking for six teachers or practitioners to attend a workshop on how Infocow can be used in secondary schools. The website supports young

New handbooks on home-school relationships and digital participation available from Futurelab

New handbooks on home-school relationships and digital participation available from Futurelab Futurelab is preparing to publish the conclusions of its latest research into home-school relationships and digital participation. We

Futurelab: Making the Future Video

inspirEDInspiring innovation in education from Futurelab Issue 6. March 2010 Make the future – a video looking at ideas drawn from research commissioned under the Beyond Current Horizons programme, which considers

CPE-PEN messages filtering into mainstream?

The Guardian.Tuesday 9th March 2010. Virtually perfect. Teaching is on a course for an idyll in which people learn at their own pace, in their own time, and

Futurelab Research Insights Day

Futurelab is holding a research insights day featuring findings from Futurelab’s current research, and offering the opportunity to consider the wider implications for education and learning. The day

Futurelab E-Newsletter 66.. items

INFOCOW Work experience opportunity with Futurelab There is an exciting opportunity for you and a small number of students to work with Futurelab over the coming year. As part of

Futurelab: Planning for the future – new resources available to inspire futures thinking

Planning for the future - new resources available to inspire futures thinking Make the Future A new video looking at ideas drawn in the main from research commissioned under the

Futurelab: Thinking Space

A joint publication between CABE, Futurelab and Portsmouth City Council, 'Thinking Space' is a FREE workshop resource aiming to support people involved with redesign and rebuild projects, such

Futurelab: ‘Building spaces for the future’

'Building spaces for the future’ is a FREE event that will draw on recent research by Futurelab about young people’s view of what learning spaces should look like

Futurelab: Final outcomes from Beyond Current Horizons

After two years of hard research, the Beyond Current Horizons (BCH) project - looking at the future of education beyond 2025 - has drawn to a close. The

Futurelab: E-newsletter October No:62

Resources     Citizenship podcast The first in our second series of podcasts looks at the role of citizenship education and addresses the need to look for greater opportunities to encourage

Dyslexia, dyspraxia and the dinosaurs.

Fturelab Newsletter 61 - September 2009 http://tiny.cc/503KA Dyslexia, dyspraxia and the dinosaurs. Kim Thomas Jane Scaysbrook tells the story of a nine-year-old girl who has dyscalculia – a learning disability

Press release: Futurelab’s ‘Call for ideas’ on learning with games is now open

Date: 5 September - 8 October 2009 Education innovator Futurelab is calling for new ideas on learning with games. More specifically, they are seeking ideas that fit two themes: ‘Meaningful

Futurelab conference – ‘Seen and Heard: Young people creating digital media’

In light of the recent ‘Digital Britain’ report, Futurelab’s annual conference will be dedicated to exploring the opportunities and challenges for young people in becoming digitally active, and

Futurelab. InspirEd Newsletter July 09

InsirEd Newsletter includes News 'Young People's Geographies', a project involving students in geography curriculum-design, the launch of BFI's Future Film Club, the Digital Britain Report, e-safety resources, and details of

Press release: Dream Catcher project uses digital technology to connect children’s learning

The use of digital photos and video can provide young children with a powerful medium to express their voice, as well as facilitating valuable three-way interactions between a

Greater Expectations Project – Online Survey 14-19 year olds

As part of Futurelab’s (http://www.futurelab.org.uk/) Greater Expectations project here is a a link to an online survey for 14-19 year olds.  The survey will help shape the

Futurelab: New FREE handbook on curriculum and teaching innovation

Futurelab has just published a new handbook on digital inclusion, discussing the perceived benefits of inclusive education and how these benefits have changed the learner demographic of mainstream

Press release: Schools should be embracing Twitter – Futurelab’s new handbook offers practical guidance on digital inclusion

One of the ways to offer a truly inclusive education for all young people is to embrace their diverse learning needs and encourage active participation on popular social

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