Some schools have reached the situation where the majority of their pupils are flexischooled (Hollinsclough CE Primary Academy and Erpingham CE Primary School ) while most may only have a few flexi – youngsters. Either way its win: win for learners, families and school. Hollinsclough went from the smallest school in England (3 pupils) to an oversubscribed thriving school (50+ youngsters). There are plentiful accounts of happy and successful youngsters and delighted families.
Here is a proven, replicable opportunity to build small schools and maintain the life blood of the local community. Whilst some adjustments will need to made by all parties flexischooling is enshrined in law and is a local agreement between the school and family who will draw up a contract of respective responsibilities and commitments. These are subject to continuous review and development.
The evidence indicates that families are prepared to travel long distances if necessary to access flexischooling. The character of flexischoolers varies enormously. Some children and young people may have been to school others may not. In common, they need more flexible routes to accommodate their special needs or giftedness; others come from home educating families who would like to access some mainstream experience. Some children will also come from migrant families whose educational traditions in their mother country have later starts to full time education. Other children will be from native UK families who consider school starting age too early or who philosophical reservations about full-time schooling. There are extensive and growing social media networks with families seeking and / or sharing flexischooling experiences.