The Guardian 09.03.2010 – The School of Everything

In the same Guardian paper as previous post more in our network are having substantial mainstream impact. Our friends at School of Everything had good coverage in a piece called ‘Everything your brain desires’ by Hazel Davies. Founder Paul Miller describes […]

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CPE-PEN messages filtering into mainstream?

The Guardian.Tuesday 9th March 2010. Virtually perfect. Teaching is on a course for an idyll in which people learn at their own pace, in their own time, and

OpenEye E-News 11.03.2010

From OpenEye's E-news 11.03.2010... there's much wisdom to found in this The Student's Prayer Don't impose on me what you know, I want to explore the unknown And be the source

EO Campaign website updates

12.03.2010 A new article entitled DCSF Research expected to begin on May 12th has been posted on the EO Campaign website, 08.03.2010 A new article entitled Government runs out of

Futurelab Research Insights Day

Futurelab is holding a research insights day featuring findings from Futurelab’s current research, and offering the opportunity to consider the wider implications for education and learning. The day

DEMOS report: Ex Curricula

Shocking illustration of current values, child upbringing and social policies compunded by inappropriate early years education? Ex Curricula Our major new report found that one in ten five year olds

CfL: Learning for the 21st Century. Annual Secondary Conference

If you need a 'head-up' on where secondary schooling might be leading then perhaps you ought to attend the following... don't forget your headache pills! Learning for the 21st

Press release: Awards seek students’ vision for better places

The Homes and Communities Agency (HCA) has joined forces with the Landscape Institute to run Future Vision 2010 - the annual student award scheme to find bright ideas

Life Learning Magazine – The Hall of Mirrors by John Taylor Gatto

John Taylor Gatto does make his points so well! See the following... The Hall of Mirrors by John Taylor Gatto From Life Learning Magazine. “As the twenty-first century begins its second

What Students say about Flexible Learning Centres in South East Queensland

What Students say about Flexible Learning Centres in South East Queensland... the overall schooling experience for young people from all backgrounds in Queensland. ... education "flexible learning" An interesting set

Democracy at Risk? Ask the Kids! by Laura Stine – AERO E-News 01.03.2010

The AERO E-News 01.03.2010 highlighted the following Democracy at Risk? Ask the Kids! by Laura Stine (posted on the Institute for Democratic Education in America's website) The other day,

The 7th Annual AERO Conference: Learner-Centered Alternatives for Everyone!

After the challenges of last year its great to see the Annual AERO Conference as strong as ever! The 7th Annual AERO Conference Learner-Centered Alternatives for Everyone! June 24th - 27th,

School of Everything E-News Feb 2010

School of Everything is a community of people teaching and learning. Learn more or sign up to get started. The SoE grows from strength to strength. In

Futurelab E-Newsletter 66.. items

INFOCOW Work experience opportunity with Futurelab There is an exciting opportunity for you and a small number of students to work with Futurelab over the coming year. As part of

Becta – Home Access programme

Becta announces second phase of provisional-approved suppliers for Home Access programme Prime Minister, Gordon Brown launched the Home Access programme at the Learning and Technology World Forum. The scheme

The Lessons: Hi Stakes Testing = Mis-Education

The Lessons: Hi Stakes Testing = Mis-Education A short video that contrasts the disastrous high stakes testing syndrome with a more creative cultural competency-based form of evaluating a student's

Times – ‘Bureaucracy’ is driving talented teachers out of schools, Tories claim

The Times, January 1st 2010. Nicola Woolcock, Education Correspondent.

Telegraph – Reading at five ‘fails to boost skills’

Children forced to read from the age of five are no better than those left without books until their seventh birthday, according to research.   By Graeme Paton, Education Editor.

EO Campaign Website updates to 07.03.2010

07.03.2010 A new article entitled Why write to Lords and MPs now and what to say has been posted on the EO Campaign website, 04.03.2010 A new article entitled Government

Designs for Learning – Transforming outdoor spaces for education

Designs for Learning       Transforming outdoor spaces for education – make this event part of your CPD Tuesday 23rd March 2010, The American School of London NW8    97% of teachers believe that

EO Campaign Website Updates to 02.02.2010

A new article entitled Committee Chair Receives Parliamentary Petition Against New Measures has been posted on the EO Campaign website, 02.02.2010 A new article entitled New readers start here:

Futurelab: Planning for the future – new resources available to inspire futures thinking

Planning for the future - new resources available to inspire futures thinking Make the Future A new video looking at ideas drawn in the main from research commissioned under the

ESRC Seminar Series. Violence and Childhood: International Perspectives.

Seminar 1: violence and the making of the subject Friday March 12. 9.30 to 5.30. Birkbeck College, Malet Street, London, WC1E 7HX This seminar explores the role of violence in shaping

Futurelab: Thinking Space

A joint publication between CABE, Futurelab and Portsmouth City Council, 'Thinking Space' is a FREE workshop resource aiming to support people involved with redesign and rebuild projects, such

Learnovation Foresight Report

Learnovation Foresight Report The foresight activity, binding together ongoing results of desk and field research and consultation, finds its methodological tool in a DELPHI survey aimed at testing consensus

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