AERO – Education Revolution Newsletter

AERO – Education Revolution Newsletter 08.08.2010 1) Progress Report on Fundraising Campaign to Sustain AERO (FUNDRAISER) 2) AERO’s Fall Online Courses (COURSE) 3) AERO Conference DVDs Have Been Made (DVDs) 4) Democracy in Action: Educating Students to Think, Create, Initiate […]

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AERO: Education Revolution E-Newsletter

Education Revolution E-Newsletter 20.07.2010 Help Make Turning Points a Bestseller! (BOOK) Conference DVDs: Now Available for Sale! (DVDs)

Turning Points: 35 Visionaries in Education Tell Their Own Stories

                                                                     Turning Points: 35 Visionaries in Education Tell Their Own Stories (Hardcover) AERO members have been waiting for this for over a year! The final version of Turning

New book: Students’ Perspectives on Schooling

Students' Perspectives on Schooling By Audrey Osler ISBN: 9780335223602 Open University Press Publication date 31 May 2010<> Students' Perspectives on Schooling explores how schools might be transformed for the better, by giving

IALA – International Association of Learning Alternatives Blog

IALA - International Association of Learning Alternatives Blog Some interesting items on the IALA blog Blueprint School by Wayne Jennings I’ve waited for years for this marvelous book, Lives of Passion,

Early Childhood Publications

Peter Moss Professor of Early Childhood Provision Thomas Coram Research Unit 27-28 Woburn Square London WC1H 0AA I would like to tell you about three new publications on early childhood education and

AERO E-News 27.05.2010

Some items from AERO's E-newsletter 27.05.2010 College Without High School: A Teenager's Guide to Skipping High School and Going to College (BOOK) By Blake Boles High school can be boring.

AERO E-News 25.05.2010

Some items from AERO's  May E-news "Democratic Education: Foundations & Principles," a talk by Isaac Graves (VIDEO). The following talk was delivered at Voyagers' Community School's 2nd Annual Education

TIDE Courses and resources summer / autumn 2010

1.  Secondary Conference. Making it work ~ creative KS3 curriculum development   Thursday 24th June 2010, The Studio, Birmingham This conference for teachers, school leaders and local authority advisors, will

Gaming in families report now available from Futurelab

The benefits and risks to children’s wellbeing and learning associated with playing computer games have been highlighted as an area for urgent research by the Byron Review. The

Education Revolution E-Newsletter 22.04.2010

Report and Video from the 18th Annual International Democratic Education Conference (IDEC); Ash Cloud Grounds Our Flight in England by Jerry Mintz The 18th International Democratic Education Conference was

Futurelab e-newsletter April 2010

Maintaining futures expertise report This report is informed by expert interviews with seven futures practitioners, who agreed to share their views, and by desk research. The report aims to

Education Revolution E-Newsletter (Conference Special) 29.03.2010

This AERO newsletter was so jam packed with good stuff we've published it all here!  1) Special AERO Conference Gift (you don't even have to register!) Register or lock in

New handbooks on home-school relationships and digital participation available from Futurelab

New handbooks on home-school relationships and digital participation available from Futurelab Futurelab is preparing to publish the conclusions of its latest research into home-school relationships and digital participation. We

LibEd Bulletin

LibEd Bulletin  With thanks to David Gribble for forwarding this LibEd Bulletin NEW ARTICLES POSTED, JANUARY, 2010 (with apologies for the delay)   THE LYCÉE AUTOGÉRÉ IN PARIS Heike Freire The

OpenEye E-News 11.03.2010

From OpenEye's E-news 11.03.2010... there's much wisdom to found in this The Student's Prayer Don't impose on me what you know, I want to explore the unknown And be the source

DEMOS report: Ex Curricula

Shocking illustration of current values, child upbringing and social policies compunded by inappropriate early years education? Ex Curricula Our major new report found that one in ten five year olds

Eclectic Lefty-hand: Conjectures on Jimi Hendrix, Handedness, and Electric Ladyland

14th January 2010. 27 Church Road, Hove, BN3 2FA, UK. Eclectic Lefty-hand: Conjectures on Jimi Hendrix, Handedness, and Electric Ladyland I always thought of Jimi as just coming

BBC Radio 4 Isn’t That Dangerous?: African Travels Among Academics and Other Wild Animals. Educational Heretics Press.

BBC Radio 4 Isn’t That Dangerous?: African Travels Among Academics and Other Wild Animals. Educational Heretics Press. If you're anything like me Saturday mornings wouldn't be the same without


BOOK REVIEW by PHILIP TOOGOOD, Trustee of PERSONALISED EDUCATION NOW. Many thanks to Philip for this review of an important book. OVERSCHOOLED but UNDEREDUCATED by John Abbott with Heather MacTaggart ISBN

Book Reviews?

Mentioning book reviews in the AERO newsletter below I'm sure folks have noticed the  lack of reviews these days (certainly in UK). Broadsheets, Times Educational Supplement feature few

Education Revolution E-Newsletter 06.01.2010

To further support AERO please find below the whole contents of their latest e-newsletter. I'm sure readers will be interested in following up subscriptions (hard copy or PDF)

Book launch: Childhood, Well-being and a Therapeutic Ethos

We're delighted to support and publicise a new book edited by our friend Dr Richard House and his colleague Prof Del Loewenthal. A new book calls for a greater

Are co-operatives the way forward?

From the Innovation Unit 17.12.2009. Credit where its due... good to see Innovation Unit looking further afield. Co-operative ideas are important in the landscape of education and learning

Overschooled but Undereducated – Number one on Amazon

Delighted to report the success of  John Aboot and Heather MacTaggarts latest book. 21st Century Learning Initiative 21st Century Learning Initiative  Within a couple of weeks of emailing nearly 800

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