
The vision of Personalised Education Now built upon a funded personalised educational landscape.

* A focus on the uniqueness of individuals, of their learning experiences and of their many and varied learning styles.

* Support of education in human scale settings, including home-based education, community learning centres, small schools, mini-schools, and schools-within-schools, flexischooling and flexi-colleges, networks of groups or individuals, both physical and virtual.

* Recognition that learners themselves have the ability to make both rational and intuitive choices about their education.

* The integration of learning, life and community.

* Advocacy of co-operative and democratic organisation of places of learning.

* Belief in the need to share national resources fairly, so that everyone has a real choice in education.

* Acceptance of Einstein’s view that imagination is more important than knowledge in our modern and constantly changing world.

* A belief in subsidiarity… learning, acting and taking responsibility to the level of which you are capable.

* Adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms.

Personalised Education Now maintains that people learn best when:

* they are self-motivated and are equipped with learning to learn tools.

* they feel comfortable in their surroundings, free from coercion and fear.

* educators and learners, value, trust, respect and listen to each other.

* they can invite support / challenge and co-create their learning pathways from those educators and others they trust.

* when education is seen as an active life-long process.

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