IDEN Newsletter February 2018

IDEN Newsletter February 2018


1. IDEC 2018 India

It has been decided by the participants of the first ever InDEC that The International Democratic Education Conference (IDEC) and Asia-Pacific Democratic Education Conference (APDEC) will be held in Bengaluru (Karnataka), INDIA from 17.11.2018 – 21.11.2018.

2. AERO Conference 2018 | June 28th-July 1st | LIU Post Campus

The Spectrum Of Democratic Education

3. EUDEC 2018 in Greece

The dates for the Greek EUDEC Conference are 1-7 August 2018 (arrival evening 31 July or morning of 1 August, departure 7 August). The location will be Astritsi, a picturesque small village in Crete. Registration will open in the next couple days. More information will be posted here ( and on Facebook as it becomes available.

4.EUDEC-Hungary Conference 2018 marc 4, Budapest

5. Freedom to Learn Forum 

which will take place next year on the 6th-8th April at Summerhill School in Suffolk!


IDEN Facebook Page is updated – Join to the group!

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SEND notifications of any forthcoming events, or any short (or long) reports on conferences you have attended so we can publish them in our next newsletter, expected in June 2018.

Vienna, 2018 February

Peter Foti

IDEN stands for International Democratic Education Network. The site offers lists of democratic schools, educational organisations and interested individuals around the world, with links to any relevant web sites, and up to date information about the IDECs (International Democratic Education Conferences) that take place in different continents each year.

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