Social Thought on Education – Edith W King

Another good friend Edith W King has  her new e-book published. It’s the 2nd edition of Social Thought on Education.

Social Thought on Education

2nd Edition

by Edith W. King

On Kindle at £3.31 2014

In this, the 2nd edition of Social Thought on Education, the work of eminent social thinkers is brought to bear on education and teaching. The author’s objectives are to bring the ideas and writings of these powerful social thinkers who have inspired us in the past, in the present, and now in the uncertain future. The introductory chapter describes and discusses the recognized major theories in sociology and sociology of education as well. Then Social Thought on Education is divided into three sections. The first section contains sociological thought from the Pre-911 world. The theories of 20th century sociologists, Robert K. Merton, David Riesman, Erving Goffman, Elise Boulding and anthropologist, Margaret Mead are exemplified by anecdotes, stories, and accounts drawn from educational settings. The book continues with three of the classical social thinkers of the 19th century, Emile Durkheim, Max Weber, and Karl Marx applying their theories to schools, classrooms and higher education settings. The final section presents a chapter on contemporary uses of social thought developed by Ray P. Cuzzort. An Epilogue concludes the book emphasizing social thought for contemporary educators.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Edith W. King, Educational Sociologist, has contributed to the teaching of the sociology of education throughout a distinguished career spanning over forty-five years. She is the author of more than eighteen texts, numerous articles, monographs, and multimedia materials on diversity, multi-ethnicity, gender issues, world awareness, global perspectives and peace building. Among her more recent texts is Teaching in an Era of Terrorism (Amazon: Kindle 2013)

THIS BOOK IS FOR sociologists, educators, school administrators, social workers and all other people concerned with how society impacts schools and education in the 21st century.

Please feel free to circulate Edith’s Flyer for this book  –  Flyer 2nd E Social Thought UK PDF 

About the author

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