After such a tragic 18 months with the loss of Chris Shute, Philip Toogood and Dr Roland Meighan we are in a period of transition and looking forward to developing exciting plans ahead. CPE-PEN would really love to see as many people as possible at our next Learning Exchange. Tom Bulman was inspired early on by the work of Roland and Philip and went on to develop some of the most innovative educational projects in the UK. Citischool (School without Walls) and Personalised Educations Centres both in Milton Keynes followed. Come and hear more.

Employability Learning Exchange Sunday 13th April 2014

Members and the wider network of friends are invited to join us at this event. CPE-PEN Members – free. Non-members £5 (adults) Children and young people – free.

 Ultimately, we all grow up seeking to make a contribution to wider society and to support our families. It’s part of our identity and self-esteem. The fortunate few are able to have working lives in tune with their dispositions, aptitudes and abilities to contribute. Others have very limited awareness of the options open to them and follow less fulfilled pathways. How can this be influenced? This Learning Exchange provides attendees the opportunity to hear about and discuss some of the work within and issues surrounding this area.



Drinks will be available. – Informal networking – Bookstalls (Educational Heretics Press). Free past journals from CPE-PEN to attendees.


– Welcome – CPE-PEN Update (Peter Humphreys)

– Flexischooling Update (Alison Sauer)


Keynote: Tom Bulman

 Employability Now – how can parents and teachers prepare their children for work?

Tom Bulman www.worktree.org has designed and delivered employability education programmes for nearly 20 years, including mentoring, work experience and a ‘school without walls’ for excluded 15 year olds in Milton Keynes.  Recently he has developed a ‘World of Work’ resource for primary teachers in the UK and employability education programmes for young people in Uganda, China and India.  In this session, Tom will share his experiences of work-related learning initiatives with school-aged children in the UK, explain the underlying principles and demonstrate some effective techniques for engaging children and young people in planning their work futures.

Questions / Responses:    


Lunch (Please bring your own) – Informal networking – Bookstalls Free past journals from CPE-PEN to attendees.


Employability Learning Exchange – tbc a carousel of small groups or as a whole group based around Employability themes. Facilitated or self-organized as appropriate.

1600 – 1610

Plenary / Closing Remarks / Thanks (Peter Humphreys / Janet Meighan)


Drinks – informal networking

Venue Details – Charnwood College, Loughborough.

 The Learning Exchange will be held at The Meeting Room in Ferrigan Block, Charnwood College, Thorpe Hill, Loughborough, Leicestershire, LE11 4SQ.http://www.charnwoodcollege.org/contact.php


So that we can manage numbers please let us know you are planning to attend with your address, telephone and email contact   personalisededucationnow@blueyonder.co.uk 

or phone Peter Humphreys on 01922 624097




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About the author

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