The Centre for Children and Young People’s Participation
promoting and researching participation, inclusion and empowerment
Seminar Series 2011-12
Tuesday December 6th, 4-6pm, HA338
Slippin’: Reflections on Participation at the Margins
Simon Newitt
This seminar will consider the applicability of participatory theory with very socially excluded young people. Slippin’: A Participatory Enquiry into Youth, Masculinity and Mental Health emerged from a participatory action research (PAR) project with third- and fourth-generation African-Caribbean young men in St Pauls, Bristol. The study explored the generative themes of respect, gang violence, drugs, race and community, before the research collective embarked on making a short documentary film on coming of age in St Pauls.
The seminar will consider issues of process, reflexivity, power and representation in participatory practice, using the challenges experienced in the above study to stimulate a dialogue about the applicability of theory and the liberatory potential for participatory practice to transform the lives and circumstances of socially excluded young people.
Simon Newitt is a doctoral research student in the School of Social Work, University of Central Lancashire. He is also the Director of Off the Record (Bristol), a third sector mental health service provider for children and young people aged 5-25.
Room Ha338, Harrington Building, Adelphi Street, Preston PR1 7DR
Session free, refreshments provided
To book a place email