The Children and Young People’s Mental Health Coalition responds to the government’s special educational needs green paper: Support and aspiration: A new approach to special educational needs and disability
9 March 2011
Chair of the CYPMHC Sarah Brennan said: “The coalition welcomes the government’s decision to replace the SEN statement with a SEN plan, which will bring together education, health and care. We know this joined up approach is the most effective in helping children and young people with special educational needs, many of whom have a range of mental health problems that affect their behaviour and ability to learn.
We also welcome the emphasis on empowering parents to have greater involvement in the support their children are given when they are struggling at school.
But, while we welcome much of what is in the green paper, we are concerned that the early intervention focus is at risk. Many specialists who support teachers, and have the skills to identify children who have SEN early, are being made redundant and the Early Intervention Grant, which should be paying for many of these services, is not ringfenced so local authorities may feel other funding concerns are more pressing. We hope that on the ground resources to implement the new SEN plans are available, resulting in meaningful and effective services for young people and their families.”