CPE-PEN Learning Exchange / AGM April 2011


Loughborough Learning Exchange

Sunday 3rd April 2011 

The next Learning Exchange will be our annual trip to Burleigh Community College, Loughborough. Members and the wider network of friends are invited to join us at this free event. Themes will include:

 –         AGM (mercifully short!)

–         CPE-PEN Developments

–         Attendees learning exchange – developments and personalised learning.

–         Establishing a Flexi-school at Hollinsclough C.of E. Primary School – report

–         Presentation by Josh Gifford – ‘Young People at Risk’

 Learning Exchange

To ensure that there is enough time for personal networking and informal discussions it is helpful if members who have specific news/developments to share would let Janet know in advance of the Learning Exchange, and if appropriate perhaps they could write a few lines about these so that they can be shared on the PEN blog. Please send any copy to Peter Humphreys at personalisededucationnow@blueyonder.co.uk  

Programme for 3rd April 2011

 11.00-11.15 Drinks will be available

 11.15-11.35 AGM (Peter Humphreys) This is a meeting primarily for the trustees but the wider network are welcome to be present in a non-voting capacity. The last agenda item AOB will include an annual invitation for the wider membership / network to make suggestions to trustees.                                          

11.35-12.00 Developments taking place in CPE-PEN-EHP (Peter Humphreys/ Roland Meighan)

 12.00-12.30 Members learning exchange / experiences / news (Janet Meighan)                 

1230-13.00 Establishing a Flexi-school at Hollinsclough C.of E.Primary School (Report-Peter Humphreys)

 13.00-14.15 Lunch – Informal networking

 14.15-1600 ‘Young People at Risk’(Josh Gifford) Plus discussion.

On the 31st March Josh’s service will close, with many other services on that day, due to cuts in funding for public services. At this Learning Exchange, three days later, Josh will reflect on his learning and practice of supporting families over a period of eight years. He will share the insights he has gained from his experiences of working with schools and other agencies, and will explore the relationship that has developed between the corporate and the domestic in recent years. Finally, he will consider what will be lost by the passing of his team and what can be held onto and nurtured for the future.

 1600-1630 Drinks informal networking



The Learning Exchange will be held at the Adult Centre (immediate right after entering the gate), Burleigh Community College, Thorpe Hill, Loughborough, Leicestershire, LE11 4SQ. Travel Directions: http://www.burleigh.org.uk/directions A hard copy map will be sent to anyone who needs one.

 Please let us know you are planning to attend with your address, telephone and email contact Janet Meighan at edheretics@gn.apc.org / 0115 925 7261

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