Democracy at Risk? Ask the Kids! by Laura Stine – AERO E-News 01.03.2010

The AERO E-News 01.03.2010 highlighted the following

Democracy at Risk? Ask the Kids! by Laura Stine (posted on the Institute for Democratic Education in America’s website)

The other day, I made a suggestion in the comments of Brainwrap’s excellent diary (2/22/10) on the latest developments in the evolution of the Pennsylvania school district tale known in the Daily community as WebCamGate.’ In short, the district is being sued by the parents of a student who was disciplined by his school for something he must have done in his bedroom at home. How did they come to understand this alleged infraction of some rule? Seems the laptop computer in his bedroom belongs to the school and had within it the capacity with its cam technology to record said alleged infraction. “A clusterf*ck,” writes Brainwrap.

In my comment, I recommended that Daily Kos readers check out the trailer of a documentary directed by Cevin Soling called The War On Kids for an in-depth look at the oppression of children in our current authoritarian educational settings. I had purchased a copy of the documentary and watched it several times, each time becoming more and more alarmed with the authoritarian tactics being used on our children in public schools.

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