AERO’s Top 5 Education Videos
Below is a list of our top five most viewed education videos during the past year. Enjoy!
1) John Taylor Gatto, Weapons of Mass Instruction (2004 AERO conference keynote)
2) Alfie Kohn, The Trouble with Pure Freedom: A Case for Active Adult Involvement in Progressive Education (2005 AERO conference keynote)
3) Charles Eisenstein, Deschooling Ourselves: Undoing the Unconscious Habits of School (2008 AERO conference workshop)
4) John Taylor Gatto, Walkabout London: Open Source Learning (2007 AERO conference keynote)
5) Patch Adams, Education: My Partner & Vehicle for a Revolution in Midwifing Nonviolence (2009 AERO conference keynote)
You can watch each video at: