BBC News: Make time for play, schools urged

BBC News 11:31 GMT, Thursday, 3 September 2009
The right to play is enshrined in the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child
Teachers are being urged to make more time for play during the school day.

Research for Play England suggests nine out of 10 parents think their children work harder in class if they are given time to play in school hours.

And 88% of parents think they behave better in lessons if they can play at break, according to the poll of 2,067 adults and children.
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All good early years teachers, all effective home-based educators and parents know that play is at the heart of learning. What’s more its not just for youngsters – some of the most innovative organisations in teh world build play into work. Play shouldn’t be a bolt-on to stressed children to make them work harder.  CPE-PEN believes its at the core of any personalised education.

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