Campaign for Learning Events

Moving towards the creation of the Young People’s Learning Agency
19 March 2009, 11am – 1pm £99 plus VAT

In light of the Machinery of Government White Paper, ‘Raising Expectations: enabling the system to deliver’, and the passage of The Apprenticeships, Skills, Children and Learning Bill through parliament, this event will look at the creation of the new Young People’s Learning Agency. It will consider the role of the Young People’s Learning Agency in both the funding of 16-19 education and training and the funding of 14-19 education and training.

We are delighted Rob Wye, National Director, LSC will be providing the keynote presentation. There will then be plenty of opportunities for delegates to raise questions and discuss the issues.
For more information or to book a place at this event, please click on the link above or alternatively visit and follow links for events. Alternatively contact Karla McLaren on 020 7766 0010 or

The Apprenticeships, Skills, Children and Learning Bill: a critical assessment
05 March 2009, 11am – 1pm London £99 plus VAT

The government has just published The Apprenticeships, Skills, Children and Learning Bill, which will receive its second reading in the House of Commons on 23 February. This session will examine the key aspects of the legislation and provide delegates with the opportunity to consider the reality of the policies becoming practice.

Steve Besley, Head of Policy at Edexcel, will provide an overview of the proposed legislation and Mark Corney, Policy Adviser to the Campaign, will provide a critical assessment.
For more information or to book a place at this event, please click on the link above or alternatively visit and follow links for events. Alternatively contact Karla McLaren on 020 7766 0010 or

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