Campaign for Learning Policy Briefings: Rose Review and 16-18 NEETS

The interim findings of the Rose Review were launched on 8 December. Sir Jim Rose is quoted as saying:

“The demands of society on primary schools have risen and continue to rise but if we are to establish a ‘world class’ high quality curriculum, we must face the reality of prescribing less so that teachers can better teach and children can better learn.”

What implications will the Rose Review have for primary schools? How will policy be affected?

Rose Review of the Primary Curriculum: will the six areas of learning be better than the 3R’s?

London, 29 January 2009
Time: 11am – 1pm
Cost: £99 plus VAT

This policy briefing will consider the interim review’s findings, which include:

* Learning should combine subjects with cross-curricular study
* Summer-born babies benefit from starting early
* Play a crucial part of primary learning
* Smoother transition between primary and secondary needed

Chris Waterman, Executive Director of Investors in Families, will be joining us to examine these interim findings and analysing how government may respond and what barriers exist. As usual delegates will have plenty of opportunities to discuss the issues.

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