Beyond Current Horizons

Beyond Current Horizons is a joint programme conducted by the Department for Children, Schools and Families (DCSF) and education innovators Futurelab. The programme is tasked with building a challenging and long-term vision for education in the context of social and […]

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Book: Global Children, Global Media Migration

Global Children, Global Media Migration, Media and Childhood. Liesbeth de Block, David Buckingham Children today are growing up in a world of global media. Many have also become global

Edutopia News 11th June 2008 – Twenty-First-Century Digital Learner

The Twenty-First-Century Digital Learner: How tech-obsessed iKids would improve our schools. Fascinating article by Mark Prensky essentially about learner voice. Challenges mainstream educators to listen. 'We treat

Campaign for Learning policy briefings: Welfare to Work reforms 2-4pm, 4th July 2008

The government is expected to publish its green paper on welfare reform in the middle of June. This event will examine the green paper, assess its

BESA urgently seeks teacher input for Policy Commission

BESA are urgently calling on teachers and educators to visit the just-released online survey at to add their voice

Children and mental health – Teachers TV

Mental Health – Supporting Young Minds

With 10% of all children in schools reported to be suffering from mental

Representing Childhood Conference 8-10 July, Sheffield, UK

This conference will explore the ways in which childhood and youth are represented as life course categories and how in changing cultural and historical contexts these categories are

Edutopia News 4th June 2008 – Charter School Design

From Edutopia news  Charter School Takes An Organic Approach To Learning The Learning Gate Community School opens its first modular classroom building, hoping to achieve

Rights of the Child Conference – Swansea, Wales. Sept 19, 2008

The Conference combines critical reflection by leading international experts in children’s rights, drawing on experience from before the adoption of the UNCRC, with examination of specific issues by

IALA News May 15 2008

IALA news - latest May 15 blog entries Some fascinating items include:

  • Baccalaureate Degree at Community Colleges!
  • - In a stunning development, the Community College Baccalaureate

Resisting the culture of schooling – Shikshantar

There is so much creative thought and practical energy in Shikshantar Its really worth exploring the resources of their website and challenging some of our own accepted

Edutopia News 28 May 2008 – Sir Ken Robinson on transformation and imagination

From Eduptopia news for this link to a video of Sir Ken Robinson talking in April in San Franscisco.

Outstanding Schools Criteria

From the Alite newsletter Jane Rolph, Headteacher of Chapel Break Infant School. Jane reported on Outstanding Education, Learning and Care Providers' Conference following her school's highly successful Ofsted

Primary Capital Programme

You've all heard of the UK Building Schools for the Future  (BSF)- focussed on secondary sector. The Primary Capital Programme is also now coming to wider attention. The

Developing sustainable schools toolkit

A toolkit aimed at helping schools become more sustainable has been designed by NCSL. Whether you're just getting started or have done a lot of work in this

Qualified Teacher Status – UK

If you've ever wondered what it takes to recieve QTS in the UK have a look a the new online guidance recently published: revised qualified teacher status standards

IALA – International Association for Learning Alternatives – Conference listings June 2008

The National Charter Schools Conference will be June 22-25, 2008 in New Orleans. The Alternative Education Resource Organization (AERO) will hold its 5th annual conference

Campaign for Learning policy briefings: Political Battleground-Failing Schools and Academies

Political Battleground: Failing Schools and Academies, 11am - 1pm, 4 July 2008 The government has announced new proposals for failing secondary schools. The Conservative party has indicated that failing

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