PEN Learning Exchange – April 6th 2008 Lougbrough

A big thank you to everyone who turned out for the learning exchange despite the early morning snow storm. We had a really stimulating day. Thanks to Alan Clawley for taking us forward again on the Recycling schools agenda and to all participants for their input throughout. A special thank you as well to Janet Meighan for organising the event so successfully as usual. 

Time and time again our learning exchanges illustrate the practical and theoretical strength we have to draw upon within the network. The passion, commitment and insight is inspiring and provides us all with the strength and energy to continue our invaulable work.

Can I remind everyone that Trustees have agreed that we open up Learning Exchanges to non members. If you’ve never been before come and join us – it may just be the decision that changes your educational life forever! Please let Janet Meighan know Tel: 0115 925 7261  or email  regarding attendance. The next learning exchange is on May 25th in Brighton in collaboration with the Ian Cunningham and the Self Managed Learning Centre (see previous post)

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