Jointly organised by IOE and The Open UniversityWednesday, 9th April 2008. Clarke Hall, Institute of Education, Bedford Way, London WC1. Food has always been a political issue. Globally, agricultural production is the largest source of demand for child labour, and in many majority world countries, the availability of food is a fundamental human right that is lacking. Within developed countries, anxieties about children as consumers have risen, with a projected so-called ‘epidemic’ of childhood obesity. Institutions (markets, media, families, schools, children’s homes) mediate children’s experiences not only of food consumption, but also food production and preparation. At this conference we hope to cover a range of topics, including· In what ways are child-adult relations mediated through meals and other food? · How can we understand adult exploitation of children in relation to food and food production? · What is the significance of the notion of ‘children’s food’? · How far is children’s eating structured by uneven distributions of power, wealth and freedom of choice? · Generational issues in food supply, mealtimes, and the institutional provision of food. Speakers: Amanda Berlan, Said Business School, University of Oxford To buy or not to buy? The gains and challenges of implementing ‘Child labour free’ labelling on chocolate Pins Brown, consultant on ethical trade. From farm to fork: Children’s work/labour in food production, preparation, and the ethical trade debates Allison James, Department of Sociological Studies, University of Sheffield. Children’s food: an index of generational relations? Samantha Punch, Nika Dorrer, Ruth Emond and Ian McIntosh, Dept of Applied Social Science, Stirling University. Children, rights and food practices in residential care: tensions between home and institutional life Harry Shier, CESESMA, Nicaragua/University of the West of England Empowering child workers in the coffee industry Vebjorg Tingstad, Norwegian Centre for Child Research, University of Trondheim, Norway. Child obesity and television advertising: a case study. Timing: 9:30 for 10.00 am-4:30 pm. 5pm Book Launch Professor Priscilla Alderson Young children’s rights Second edition. London: Jessica Kingsley.The conference is linked to the Institute of Education’s MA Childhood Studies, and the week long module ‘Children’s Rights in Practice’, 7th-11th April 2008. This can be a stand-alone course. See The conference is also linked to The Open University’s BA (Hons) Childhood and Youth Studies, see BookingsSue Grant, ECPE, Institute of Education, 20, Bedford Way, London WC1H 0AL. Tel: 020 7612 6588, Email: